Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Color my world

So, in an attempt to save time, I bought a home highlighting kit that appeared to be the same color as my highlights I had in Canada and saw in Parents magazine. I put the kids to bed last night and followed the directions exactly and apparently the color bled onto most of the top of my head and it's horrible and blonde and pinkish. The soonest I can get in with a color specialist is Thursday morning.

I promise to never color my hair at home again. You'd think I would have learned from when I dyed it black for Halloween in high school and it was supposed to wash out, but never did. Or when I colored it red after Molly was born and looked like Ronald McDonald. What was I thinking? I know my hair will never be red like it used to be before the girls were born, but I need to leave the coloring to the professionals. I need professional help. In more ways than one, I'm sure people would say. I'm putting up a pic, don't worrry, it's worse than the small area I photographed.